"The Atlantis: Isle of Flames" ~ Frank Joseph. Part 1
We learn that the Egyptians told of “the Isle of Flame” in the Far Western Ocean from which their forefathers arrived after a terrible natural disaster. Meanwhile, in North America, the Apache Indians still preserve memories of their ancestral origins from the sunken “Isle of Flames” in the distant seas of the East. There is the Norse Lifthraser and Lif, husband and wife refugees of the Great Flood, just as the ancient Mexicans remembered Nata and Nena, the pair who escaped a world deluge. Balor leads his people to safety in pre-Celtic Ireland, while Manibozho survives to become the founder of all North American Indian tribes. Underpinning them all is the story of Atlantis, as given to the world 24 centuries ago by the greatest thinker of classical Greece. Plato’s Atlantis still lives in the folkish memories of virtually every people on Earth. Although fundamentally similar to all the rest, each version presents its own details, contributing to an overall panorama of the Atlantean experience, as dramatic as it is persuasive.
We also have today information about a Pacific counterpart — the lost kingdom of Mu, also known as Lemuria. Although at opposite cultural and geographical poles, the two civilizations were at least partially contemporaneous and in contact with each other, produced transoceanic seafarers who founded new societies around the globe, and succumbed in the end to natural catastrophes that may have been related. Persuasive physical evidence for the sunken realm came to light in 1985 off the coast of Yonaguni, a remote Japanese island, when divers found the ruins of a large ceremonial building that sank beneath the sea perhaps as long ago as 12,000 years. Long before that dramatic discovery, accounts of Mu or Lemuria were preserved in the oral folk traditions of numerous peoples around the Pacific Basin, from America’s western coastal regions, across Polynesia and Micronesia, to Australia, and throughout Asia. As such, the story of Atlantis is incomplete without some appreciation of the complimentary role played by its Lemurian predecessor and coruler of the world.
Here's what Plato says in his dialogues:
We also have today information about a Pacific counterpart — the lost kingdom of Mu, also known as Lemuria. Although at opposite cultural and geographical poles, the two civilizations were at least partially contemporaneous and in contact with each other, produced transoceanic seafarers who founded new societies around the globe, and succumbed in the end to natural catastrophes that may have been related. Persuasive physical evidence for the sunken realm came to light in 1985 off the coast of Yonaguni, a remote Japanese island, when divers found the ruins of a large ceremonial building that sank beneath the sea perhaps as long ago as 12,000 years. Long before that dramatic discovery, accounts of Mu or Lemuria were preserved in the oral folk traditions of numerous peoples around the Pacific Basin, from America’s western coastal regions, across Polynesia and Micronesia, to Australia, and throughout Asia. As such, the story of Atlantis is incomplete without some appreciation of the complimentary role played by its Lemurian predecessor and coruler of the world.
Here's what Plato says in his dialogues:
"Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia (just like in our times, isn't?), and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire..". (from: ,Timaeus')
But Plato mentioned also about ,divine versus human nature', ideal societies and the gradual corruption of human society... As long as the Atlanteans behaved blood purity, they were an example of moral and enlightened society at a very high cultural and technological level. And suddenly things started to go bad. The Atlanteans started have a mixed-marriages with tribes from other continents/other races: Africa and America (The equivalent of modern multiculturalism?) Morality began to collapse, the same culture, art, politics ... Long before Mother Nature (or other disaster) finally destroyed the legendary cradle of the white man (,The Magi'), Atlanteans decided to conquer the neighboring continents, tribes (funny... just as today America plans to do with the rest of the world through corrupted Maghreb/NWO idea. Why? Compare "legend" with "current" geopolitical situation on the world, please).
In this post I will put various information about legendary "Isle of Flames” from many different times, cultures, traditions, parts of the whole world, as a compendium of knowledge about everlasting "myth" which, as all the data we have now shown, seems to be the true story. Echo of those events, then trek the white tribes around the globe till they ended in Europe (and who founded many ancient civilizations in the world - no matter how present pro-moslem and pro-black agenda trying to change our past, to put whites into the getto - forming long before Western Civilization many other civilizations on a global scale), is still present among us, or rather in us... in our blood/DNA. Perhaps that's why They try force this: "White geNocide Project"? Well... I know too much right now to deny the fact of the existence of Atlantis long ago. The only thing bothering me now is, whether that process of destruction of white society from the inside, the whole Civilization, started then or was one of many in prehistoric times. I support the thesis of Graham Hancock, that advanced civilizations in the past had to exist in large numbers. I'm just afraid that we are living in a decadent era of the white man and in the last high-advanced civilization, and this time our enemies can finally succeed. Well... As I said before... This is only an outline, and the main theme - Atlantis. So lets start it.
Ancient Egyptian for “The Isle of Flame,” descriptive of a large, volcanic island in the Distant West (the Atlantic Ocean). It physically matches Plato’s Atlantis virtually detail for detail: mountainous, with canals, luxuriant crops, a palatial city surrounded by great walls decorated with precious metals, etc. Aalu’s earliest known reference appears in The Destruction of Mankind, a New Kingdom history (1299 B.C.) discovered in the tomb of Pharaoh Seti-I, at Abydos. His city was the site of the Osireion, a subterranean monument to the Great Flood that destroyed a former age of greatness. On the other side of the world from Egypt, the Apache Indians of the American Southwest claim their ancestors arrived after the Great Flood destroyed their homeland, still remembered as the “Isle of Flames,” in the Atlantic Ocean.
In Celtic and pre-Celtic myth, an Atlantic island whose name meant “rich in apple trees.” It was ruled by the Irish version of Poseidon — the sea-god, Manannan. Ablach is paralleled by the Garden of the Hesperides, a sacred grove of apple trees at the center of Atlas’s island, tended by the Hesperides, who were Atlantises — “daughters of Atlas.” (See: Garden of the Hesperides).
Algonquian tradition tells how the eponymous founding father, from whom this North American tribe derived its name, came “from the rising sun,” the direction of the Abnakis (“our white ancestors”), after he was forewarned in a dream that the gods would sink their land beneath the sea. In haste, he built “a great reed raft” on which he sailed away with his family. Aboard were a number of animals that, in those days, could speak. The beasts grew impatient with the long voyage, ridiculed the Father of the Tribes, and were about to mutiny, when land was finally sighted. Everyone disembarked safely, but the formerly rebellious animals, as punishment for their onboard behavior, were deprived by the gods of their ability to converse with humans. (See Noah = Ancient Sumerian-Aryan mythology)
Aclla Cuna
In Quechua, the language of the Incas, “The Chosen Women” or “The Little Mothers.” They referred to the seven visible stars in the constellation of the Pleiades, associated with a great deluge, from which Con-Tiki-Viracocha (“White Man of the Sea Foam”) arrived in South America to found Andean Civilization. Aclla Cuna was also the name of the Incas’ most sacred mystery cult composed exclusively of the most beautiful, virtuous, and intelligent women, who orally preserved the high wisdom and ancestral traditions of the red-haired Con-Tiki-Viracocha. They dressed in Atlantean colors (red, white, and black) and were provided magnificent estates at Cuzco, the capital of the Inca Empire, and the mountain citadel of Machu Picchu. The Chosen Women identified with the Pleiades, or “Atlantises,” as they were known similarly in Greek myth.
A palatial island capital punished for the wickedness of its inhabitants by a terrible flood. The story of Ad is preserved in pre-islamic traditions and mentioned in the koran, which condemned its inhabitants for building “high places for vain uses.” (= skyscrapers???) The Adites were said to have “worshiped the sun from the tops of pyramids,” a singularly un-arabic practice more evocative of life in Atlantis. Ad was known as “the City of Pillars,” or “the Land of Bronze.” Plato similarly described the pillar cult of the Atlanteans, while their city was the pre-classical world’s foremost clearinghouse for the bronze trade. In Arabic tradition, the Adites are portrayed as giants (the Atlantean Titans of Greek mythology), superior architects and builders who raised great stone monuments. Even today, rural tribes of Saudi Arabia refer to any ancient ruins of prodigious size as “buildings of the Adites,” and apply the expression “as old as Ad” to anything of extreme age.
The Adites are still regarded as the earliest inhabitants of Mesopotamia. They were referred to as “red men,” for the light color of their hair. Several accounts of Atlantis (Egyptian, Irish, Winnebago, etc.) depict the Atlanteans, at least in part, as redheads. The Adites had 10 kings ruling various parts of the world simultaneously — the same number and disposition described by Plato in his Atlantis account, Kritias. The Adites arrived in the country after Ad was annihilated by a colossal black cloud with the ferocity of a hurricane, an obvious reference to the volcanic eruption that accompanied the destruction of Atlantis. “Ad” is still the name of a Semitic tribe in the province of Hadramut, Saudi Arabia, whose elders claimed descent from their eponymous ancestor, the greatgrandson of Noah. (See: Adapa)
The Atlantean concept of Atlas imported into Sumer (after 3000 B.C.). Adad was a fire-god symbolized by an active volcano, its summit wreathed by the constellation of the Pleiades — the “Atlantises,” or daughters of Atlas. Oppenheimer writes that the Sumerian version of the flood was “catastrophic. The storm came suddenly with a loud noise and darkening the sky and a raging wind from Adad... One of the gods, Anzu, is described as tearing the sky with his talons.” According to the Sumerian version of the Deluge, “No one could see anyone else. They could not be recognized in the catastrophe. The flood roared like a bull. Like a wild ass screaming, the winds howled. The darkness was total, and there was no sun.”
In Babylonian myth, Ea, the god of the seas, destroyed the great city of Ad with a catastrophic deluge, killing all its sinful inhabitants except his virtuous high priest, Adapa. This “Man from Ad” arrived in the Near East as a culture-bearer to pass on the arts and sciences, principles of government, and religion, from which all subsequent Mesopotamian civilizations traced their development. The Babylonian Ad is equivalent to the drowned capital preserved in Arabic traditions, and both are clear references to the same primeval civilization of Atlantis. (See: Ad)
The Atlantean concept of Atlas imported into Sumer (after 3000 B.C.). Adad was a fire-god symbolized by an active volcano, its summit wreathed by the constellation of the Pleiades — the “Atlantises,” or daughters of Atlas. Oppenheimer writes that the Sumerian version of the flood was “catastrophic. The storm came suddenly with a loud noise and darkening the sky and a raging wind from Adad... One of the gods, Anzu, is described as tearing the sky with his talons.” According to the Sumerian version of the Deluge, “No one could see anyone else. They could not be recognized in the catastrophe. The flood roared like a bull. Like a wild ass screaming, the winds howled. The darkness was total, and there was no sun.”
In Babylonian myth, Ea, the god of the seas, destroyed the great city of Ad with a catastrophic deluge, killing all its sinful inhabitants except his virtuous high priest, Adapa. This “Man from Ad” arrived in the Near East as a culture-bearer to pass on the arts and sciences, principles of government, and religion, from which all subsequent Mesopotamian civilizations traced their development. The Babylonian Ad is equivalent to the drowned capital preserved in Arabic traditions, and both are clear references to the same primeval civilization of Atlantis. (See: Ad)
Named after an Ohio mound group dating from ca. 1000 B.C., Adena represents the earliest known civilization in the American Midwest and along the eastern seaboard. Its people built colossal ridge-top or linear burial mounds of stone, often longer than 100 feet, and great conical structures; the greatest, at 66 feet high, is West Virginia’s Creek Grave Mound. The Adena people also laid out sprawling enclosures oriented to various celestial phenomena. Their prodigious feats of ceremonial construction imply high levels of labor management, astronomy, and surveying. They were able metalsmiths who worked copper on a large scale, and they demonstrated carving skills in surviving stone effigy-pipes.
Their sudden, unheralded appearance after the previous and primitive Archaic Period represented a major break with the immediate past. Such a transformation can only mean that the Adena were newcomers who brought their already evolved culture with them from outside the American Midwest. Their starting date coincides within two centuries of the final destruction of Atlantis and the
abrupt closure of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula copper mines, which had been consistently worked for the previous 1,800 years. Given these parallel events, it appears the Adena were former Atlantean copper miners, who settled throughout the Middle West to the East Coast, following the loss of their distant homeland and the abandonment of copper mining in the Upper Great Lakes.
A majority of the Adena monuments were dismantled and their stone used by early 19th-century settlers to build wells and fences. Only a few examples still survive, because they were naturally concealed by their obscure locations, such as those at the bottom of Rock Lake, in Wisconsin, and in the wooded areas of Heritage Park, Michigan. (See: Bronze Age, Rock Lake)
Named after an Ohio mound group dating from ca. 1000 B.C., Adena represents the earliest known civilization in the American Midwest and along the eastern seaboard. Its people built colossal ridge-top or linear burial mounds of stone, often longer than 100 feet, and great conical structures; the greatest, at 66 feet high, is West Virginia’s Creek Grave Mound. The Adena people also laid out sprawling enclosures oriented to various celestial phenomena. Their prodigious feats of ceremonial construction imply high levels of labor management, astronomy, and surveying. They were able metalsmiths who worked copper on a large scale, and they demonstrated carving skills in surviving stone effigy-pipes.
Their sudden, unheralded appearance after the previous and primitive Archaic Period represented a major break with the immediate past. Such a transformation can only mean that the Adena were newcomers who brought their already evolved culture with them from outside the American Midwest. Their starting date coincides within two centuries of the final destruction of Atlantis and the
abrupt closure of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula copper mines, which had been consistently worked for the previous 1,800 years. Given these parallel events, it appears the Adena were former Atlantean copper miners, who settled throughout the Middle West to the East Coast, following the loss of their distant homeland and the abandonment of copper mining in the Upper Great Lakes.
A majority of the Adena monuments were dismantled and their stone used by early 19th-century settlers to build wells and fences. Only a few examples still survive, because they were naturally concealed by their obscure locations, such as those at the bottom of Rock Lake, in Wisconsin, and in the wooded areas of Heritage Park, Michigan. (See: Bronze Age, Rock Lake)
Sacred mountain where the Atlantean Navel of the World mystery cult originated. Ades was later known as “Hades” — the realm of the dead in Greek myth — but associated with the death-rebirth mystery cult of Atlantis in the story of Persephone, the “Corn Maiden” daughter of the Earth Mother, Demeter. (See: Navel of the World)
The Hurrians were a people who lived in Ancient Anatolia/Armenia (Turkey exist only since XII AD) from the early third millennium B.C. Many of their religious and mythic concepts were absorbed by their Hittite conquerors, beginning after 2000 B.C. Among these traditions was the story of Alalu, the first king of heaven, a giant god who made his home on a mountainous island in the sea of the setting sun. His son, Kumarbi, was synonymous for the Greek Kronos, a mythic personification of the Atlantic Ocean through Roman times. In Alalu survives a Hurrian memory of the mountainous island of Atlantis. (See: Arallu, Arallu, Kronos)
A magic stone, the source of ultimate power, at the very center of Bouyan (Wyspa/Isle Bujan), the sunken island-kingdom from which the ancestors of the Slavic peoples migrated to the European Continent from the Western Ocean. Alatuir was a sacred omphalos, a large, egg-shaped stone symbol of the primeval mystery cult in Atlantis. (See: Navel of the World)
The ancient name for Britain, “The White Island” derived from the twin brother of Atlas. Albion was said to have introduced the arts of shipbuilding and astrology, the leading material features of Atlantis. “The White Island” concept associated with Atlantis is also found in Aztec Mexico, North Africa, and India. The spiritual arts Albion brought to Britain were believed to have formed the basis for Druidism (who came from Mediterranean region to North). (See: Atala, Aztlan, Blake)
Algonquian Flood Myth
Native tribes of the American Northeast preserved a tribal memory of their ancestral origins on a large island in the Atlantic Ocean. After many generations, signs and portents warned the inhabitants of impending disaster. Some magnitude of the evacuation that took place is suggested in the 138 boats said to have been prepared for the emergency. According to Algonquian elder Sam D. Gill, it began when “the Earth rocked to and fro, as a ship at sea” The quakes became so powerful the island “was cut loose from its fastenings, and fires of the Earth came forth in flames and clouds and loud roarings.” As the flotilla of refugees made good their escape, “the land sank down beneath the waters to rise no more.” The survivors eventually landed along the eastern seaboard of North America, and married among the indigenous peoples to become the forefathers of the Algonquian tribes. There is no more succinct and credible version of the Atlantis catastrophe and its aftermath.
The king of Phaeacia (Atlantis) in Homer’s Odyssey. The monarch’s name is a derivative of the leading Pleiade most directly associated with Atlantis, Alkyone.
In Colombian native traditions, the great oceanic kingdom destroyed by a natural catastrophe from which the culture hero, A-Mu-Ra-Ca, led his followers to South America. In Akkadian, the language of Sumer’s Semitic conquerors at the close of the third millennium B.C., A-Mu-ru means “Western Lands.” The name, in both Colombian Muysica and Akkadian, refers to the lost Pacific Ocean civilization of Mu. (See: Mu)
In Sumerian tradition (circa 3500 to 2500 B.C.), a capital city on the island of Atu, which was overwhelmed by a cataclysmic deluge.
Andros Platform
Andros is the largest of the Bahama Islands, south of Bimini, where an underwater feature discovered in 1969 has been associated with Atlantean civilization ever since. Floridians Dr. Gregory Little and his wife, Lora, found a sunken site in Nicolls Town Bay, near the extreme northeast end of Andros 34 years later. They learned of its general position from a former dive operator, Dino Keller, who claimed to have navigated his boat inside a coral reef usually approached on the outside. There, in 1992, Keller observed a large structure similar to the so-called “Bimini Wall,” under some 10 feet of water.
Following Keller’s directions, in March, 2003, Dr. Little snorkeled about 600 yards from shore to find a 1,375-foot long, 150-foot wide arrangement of cyclopean blocks in three well-ordered sloping tiers interspersed by two bands of smaller stones. Although standing 15 feet beneath the surface, its top section is 10 feet deep, as described by Keller. The large stones comprising the tiers average 25 × 30 feet, and 2 feet thick. Each of the three tiers is 50 feet wide. Some suggestion of a ramp was discerned leading from the floor of the harbor lagoon to the top of the platform. The feature’s regular appearance and almost uniformly square-cut blocks, given its location at a natural harbor in the North Atlantic Current, suggest it may have been a quay, breakwater, or port facility of some kind. Underscoring this characterization, together with the ramp, are a number of 5-inch wide and deep rectangles resembling post-holes cut into some of the cyclopean stones just below the uppermost tier. These holes may have held mooring pylons used to tie up docked ships. Most if not all of the blocks themselves appear to have been quarried from local beach rock and deliberately set in place, a marine construction practice common in the ancient Old World.
Dr. Little believes the formation could only have been built 10,000 years ago, when sea levels were low enough for its creation. But archaeologists are certain that nothing of the kind existed in the post glacial epoch. Sea levels would have dropped sufficiently, however, between 1600 and 1500 B.C., during the middle to late Bronze Age—a far more likely period for construction, if only because similar harbor works were already in use throughout the eastern Mediterranean by that time. Moreover, Lake Superior copper mining was simultaneously nearing the zenith of its output. A port located off the North American coast, situated in the heart of the North Atlantic Current, would have been a valuable asset for freighters carrying cargos of mined copper back to their headquarters in Atlantis. An Atlantean connection is, after all, suggested in the Andros platform’s six alternating bands of stone: 6 was the sacred numeral of Atlantis, whose cityplanners incorporated the holy number in the capital’s alternating stone walls, according to Plato’s description of the sunken civilization. (See: Bimini Road, Kritias)
Sacred mountain where the Atlantean Navel of the World mystery cult originated. Ades was later known as “Hades” — the realm of the dead in Greek myth — but associated with the death-rebirth mystery cult of Atlantis in the story of Persephone, the “Corn Maiden” daughter of the Earth Mother, Demeter. (See: Navel of the World)
In Indian myth, the first man to arrive in the subcontinent, with his wife (Heva), from an island overwhelmed by a natural catastrophe that forever cut off all communication with his homeland. In Sanskrit, the word for “first” is Adim, surprisingly like the biblical Adam. Later versions of the story identify the lost island with Sri Lanka, but in that the former Ceylon still exists, Atlantis was undoubtedly the location from which Ad-ima came. His name, moreover, is identifiably Atlantean, apparent in the philological relationship between “Ad-ima” and the Greek variant, “Atlas.” This association is underscored by the antediluvian setting of the Ad-ima myth. (See: Heva)
In Indian myth, the first man to arrive in the subcontinent, with his wife (Heva), from an island overwhelmed by a natural catastrophe that forever cut off all communication with his homeland. In Sanskrit, the word for “first” is Adim, surprisingly like the biblical Adam. Later versions of the story identify the lost island with Sri Lanka, but in that the former Ceylon still exists, Atlantis was undoubtedly the location from which Ad-ima came. His name, moreover, is identifiably Atlantean, apparent in the philological relationship between “Ad-ima” and the Greek variant, “Atlas.” This association is underscored by the antediluvian setting of the Ad-ima myth. (See: Heva)
Also known as the Daityas, offspring of Vishnu. Water-giants somewhat equivalent to the Titans of Greek myth (like Atlas and the other kings of Atlantis), the Aditayas are mentioned in Vishnu Purana and Mahabharata, two of the oldest and most revered ancient Indian literary traditions. The latter work describes them as the inhabitants of Tripura, the Triple City in the Western Ocean, doubtless the Atlantic island of Poseidon (of the trident). The Aditayas were destroyed after they engaged in a war that culminated in the sinking of Tripura, the same story retold by Plato in his account of Atlantis.
Also known as the Daityas, offspring of Vishnu. Water-giants somewhat equivalent to the Titans of Greek myth (like Atlas and the other kings of Atlantis), the Aditayas are mentioned in Vishnu Purana and Mahabharata, two of the oldest and most revered ancient Indian literary traditions. The latter work describes them as the inhabitants of Tripura, the Triple City in the Western Ocean, doubtless the Atlantic island of Poseidon (of the trident). The Aditayas were destroyed after they engaged in a war that culminated in the sinking of Tripura, the same story retold by Plato in his account of Atlantis.
In Indian myth, the mother of Vishnu, who conquered the Earth for the gods and became the first Aditaya, or “Upholder” of the sky (the moral order of the cosmos), and is therefore identified with Atlas. His offspring were the Aditayas (or Daityas), who supported the heavens. (See: Aditayas, Atlas)
In Indian myth, the mother of Vishnu, who conquered the Earth for the gods and became the first Aditaya, or “Upholder” of the sky (the moral order of the cosmos), and is therefore identified with Atlas. His offspring were the Aditayas (or Daityas), who supported the heavens. (See: Aditayas, Atlas)
An Atlantis, or “Daughter of Atlas,” one of the Hesperides, a trio of divine sisters who guarded the golden apples of eternal life in a sacred grove on Atlas’s island. (See: Garden of the Hesperides)
An Atlantis, or “Daughter of Atlas,” one of the Hesperides, a trio of divine sisters who guarded the golden apples of eternal life in a sacred grove on Atlas’s island. (See: Garden of the Hesperides)
In Greek myth, a Titan who carried civilization into the eastern Mediterranean, which he named after himself: the Aegean Sea. Aegeon is associated with Atlantean culture-bearers during the 12th century B.C. He was also known as Briareus. (See: Hecatoncheires)
In Greek myth, a Titan who carried civilization into the eastern Mediterranean, which he named after himself: the Aegean Sea. Aegeon is associated with Atlantean culture-bearers during the 12th century B.C. He was also known as Briareus. (See: Hecatoncheires)
In Greek myth, an early king of Egypt, from whom the country derived its name. He was the grandson of Poseidon and Libya, which is to say his lineage was Atlanto-African. Aegyptus was descended from Atlantean royalty who, on their passage through the Nile Valley, married native North Africans.
In Greek myth, an early king of Egypt, from whom the country derived its name. He was the grandson of Poseidon and Libya, which is to say his lineage was Atlanto-African. Aegyptus was descended from Atlantean royalty who, on their passage through the Nile Valley, married native North Africans.
Roman biologist (third century A.D.) and author of The Nature of Animals, in which he reported, “The inhabitants of the shores of the Ocean tell that in former times the kings of Atlantis, descendants of Poseidon, wore on their heads, as a mark of power, the fillet of the male sea-ram [a dolphin], and that their wives, the queens, wore, as a sign of their power, fillets of the female sea-rams [perhaps narwhals].”
The Egyptian month corresponding to our late October/early November (Halloween?), during which a world deluge associated with the final destruction of Atlantis was caused by the goddess Hathor (Read also*).
A city on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Its name may have been derived from the Atlantean king mentioned in Plato’s Kritias, Gadeiros.
Roman biologist (third century A.D.) and author of The Nature of Animals, in which he reported, “The inhabitants of the shores of the Ocean tell that in former times the kings of Atlantis, descendants of Poseidon, wore on their heads, as a mark of power, the fillet of the male sea-ram [a dolphin], and that their wives, the queens, wore, as a sign of their power, fillets of the female sea-rams [perhaps narwhals].”
The Egyptian month corresponding to our late October/early November (Halloween?), during which a world deluge associated with the final destruction of Atlantis was caused by the goddess Hathor (Read also*).
A city on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Its name may have been derived from the Atlantean king mentioned in Plato’s Kritias, Gadeiros.
Literally “white men” and/or “foreigners to the land” a term by which the Mayas of the Lowland Yucatan distinguished themselves from native Indian populations, because they claimed descent from fair-skinned survivors of the Great Flood. (See: Halach-Unicob, Tutulxiu)
Among the Navajo Indians in the American Southwest, Ahson-nutli was a god who, in the days before the Great Flood, created a quartet of twin giants (this term does not have to be associated with height, though certainly whites are higher than Indians) to support the four corners of the sky. In Plato’s account of Atlantis, supreme leadership of the antediluvian civilization belonged to twin brothers, likewise Titans, or giants. Atlas, the first of these, was mythically perceived as supporting the sky on his shoulders. His name derives from the Sanskrit atl, “to support or uphold.” (See: Atlas, Ayar-aucca)
Literally “those who came before” the forefathers of the Basque. The ancestral Aintzine-Koak are still remembered as former inhabitants of “the Green Isle” a powerful maritime nation that sank into the Atlantic Ocean after a terrible cataclysm and from which the few survivors sailed into the Bay of Biscay, eventually bringing the holy relics of their mystery religion into the Pyrenees Mountains. (See: Atlaintika)
Ainu Deluge Myth
The Ainu are mixed descendants of a Caucasian population that inhabited Japan before Asian immigrations from Korea. They may have belonged to the same white population that inhabited the kingdom of Mu and dispersed across the Pacific Ocean after it was overwhelmed by a great flood. Remnants of this lost race also appear among 9,000-year-old skeletal remains found in Washington State (the so-called “Kennewick Man”), the untypically bearded Haida of coastal British Columbia, and in parts of Polynesia. The Ainu recall a time when the sea suddenly rose over the land, drowning most humans. Only a few survived by climbing to mountaintops. (See: Mu)
Among the Navajo Indians in the American Southwest, Ahson-nutli was a god who, in the days before the Great Flood, created a quartet of twin giants (this term does not have to be associated with height, though certainly whites are higher than Indians) to support the four corners of the sky. In Plato’s account of Atlantis, supreme leadership of the antediluvian civilization belonged to twin brothers, likewise Titans, or giants. Atlas, the first of these, was mythically perceived as supporting the sky on his shoulders. His name derives from the Sanskrit atl, “to support or uphold.” (See: Atlas, Ayar-aucca)
Literally “those who came before” the forefathers of the Basque. The ancestral Aintzine-Koak are still remembered as former inhabitants of “the Green Isle” a powerful maritime nation that sank into the Atlantic Ocean after a terrible cataclysm and from which the few survivors sailed into the Bay of Biscay, eventually bringing the holy relics of their mystery religion into the Pyrenees Mountains. (See: Atlaintika)
Ainu Deluge Myth
The Ainu are mixed descendants of a Caucasian population that inhabited Japan before Asian immigrations from Korea. They may have belonged to the same white population that inhabited the kingdom of Mu and dispersed across the Pacific Ocean after it was overwhelmed by a great flood. Remnants of this lost race also appear among 9,000-year-old skeletal remains found in Washington State (the so-called “Kennewick Man”), the untypically bearded Haida of coastal British Columbia, and in parts of Polynesia. The Ainu recall a time when the sea suddenly rose over the land, drowning most humans. Only a few survived by climbing to mountaintops. (See: Mu)
The Hurrians were a people who lived in Ancient Anatolia/Armenia (Turkey exist only since XII AD) from the early third millennium B.C. Many of their religious and mythic concepts were absorbed by their Hittite conquerors, beginning after 2000 B.C. Among these traditions was the story of Alalu, the first king of heaven, a giant god who made his home on a mountainous island in the sea of the setting sun. His son, Kumarbi, was synonymous for the Greek Kronos, a mythic personification of the Atlantic Ocean through Roman times. In Alalu survives a Hurrian memory of the mountainous island of Atlantis. (See: Arallu, Arallu, Kronos)
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Slavic Summer Solstice |
A magic stone, the source of ultimate power, at the very center of Bouyan (Wyspa/Isle Bujan), the sunken island-kingdom from which the ancestors of the Slavic peoples migrated to the European Continent from the Western Ocean. Alatuir was a sacred omphalos, a large, egg-shaped stone symbol of the primeval mystery cult in Atlantis. (See: Navel of the World)
The ancient name for Britain, “The White Island” derived from the twin brother of Atlas. Albion was said to have introduced the arts of shipbuilding and astrology, the leading material features of Atlantis. “The White Island” concept associated with Atlantis is also found in Aztec Mexico, North Africa, and India. The spiritual arts Albion brought to Britain were believed to have formed the basis for Druidism (who came from Mediterranean region to North). (See: Atala, Aztlan, Blake)
Algonquian Flood Myth
Native tribes of the American Northeast preserved a tribal memory of their ancestral origins on a large island in the Atlantic Ocean. After many generations, signs and portents warned the inhabitants of impending disaster. Some magnitude of the evacuation that took place is suggested in the 138 boats said to have been prepared for the emergency. According to Algonquian elder Sam D. Gill, it began when “the Earth rocked to and fro, as a ship at sea” The quakes became so powerful the island “was cut loose from its fastenings, and fires of the Earth came forth in flames and clouds and loud roarings.” As the flotilla of refugees made good their escape, “the land sank down beneath the waters to rise no more.” The survivors eventually landed along the eastern seaboard of North America, and married among the indigenous peoples to become the forefathers of the Algonquian tribes. There is no more succinct and credible version of the Atlantis catastrophe and its aftermath.
The king of Phaeacia (Atlantis) in Homer’s Odyssey. The monarch’s name is a derivative of the leading Pleiade most directly associated with Atlantis, Alkyone.
An “Atlantis,” a daughter of Atlas and the sea-goddess Pleione; leader of her divine sisters, the Pleiades. Alkyone may be a mythic rendering of Kleito, the woman in Plato’s account of Atlantis, who likewise bore culture-bearers to the sea-god Poseidon. Her title was “The Queen who wards off Storms.” To the Druids at Boscawen-Uen, Mea-Penzance, Scotland’s Callanish, and other megalithic sites throughout Britain, the Pleiades represented fearful powers of destruction through the agency of water. The same dreadful association was made by the Egyptians. The so-called “Scored Lines” of the Great Pyramid at Giza were in alignment with the star Alkyone of the Pleiades, in the constellation of Taurus the Bull, at noon of the spring equinox (March 21) in 2141 B.C. Suggestion that the Alkyone alignment was deliberately intended by the pyramid’s designer is supported by the fact that the feature corresponding to the Scored Lines in the so-called “Trial Passages” is a flat surface that could have been used as a pelorus for stargazing (Lemesurier, 193).
In view of the Great Pyramid’s function, at least partially, as a monument to Atlantis, the third-millennium B.C. date may commemorate some related anniversary, either of the Atlantis catastrophe itself or an Atlantean arrival in the Nile Valley. Lemesurier suggests as much: “The Pleiades were firmly linked in the Egyptian tradition with the goddess Hathor, the ‘goddess of the Foundation’, and instigator of the primeval ‘deluge’.” Hathor, or Aether, was, after all, the Egyptian version of Alkyone, herself the personification of Atlantis (151).
“The Egyptians observed three solemn days that ended when these stars [the Pleiades] culminated at midnight. These days were associated with a tradition of a deluge or other race-destroying disaster. The rites began on the seventeenth day of Aethyr, which agrees with the Mosaic deluge account, namely, the seventeenth day of the second month of the Jewish year” (154). Both the Egyptian Aethyr and the second month of the Jewish year correspond to our late October/early November. With the year provided by a proper lunar calculation of the date given by Plato in Kritias and Egyptian records of the XX Dynasty, we arrive at a date for the final destruction of Atlantis: November 3, 1198 B.C. (= Halloween/Day of the Dead, etc)
An “Atlantis,” a daughter of Atlas and the sea-goddess Pleione; leader of her divine sisters, the Pleiades. Alkyone may be a mythic rendering of Kleito, the woman in Plato’s account of Atlantis, who likewise bore culture-bearers to the sea-god Poseidon. Her title was “The Queen who wards off Storms.” To the Druids at Boscawen-Uen, Mea-Penzance, Scotland’s Callanish, and other megalithic sites throughout Britain, the Pleiades represented fearful powers of destruction through the agency of water. The same dreadful association was made by the Egyptians. The so-called “Scored Lines” of the Great Pyramid at Giza were in alignment with the star Alkyone of the Pleiades, in the constellation of Taurus the Bull, at noon of the spring equinox (March 21) in 2141 B.C. Suggestion that the Alkyone alignment was deliberately intended by the pyramid’s designer is supported by the fact that the feature corresponding to the Scored Lines in the so-called “Trial Passages” is a flat surface that could have been used as a pelorus for stargazing (Lemesurier, 193).
In view of the Great Pyramid’s function, at least partially, as a monument to Atlantis, the third-millennium B.C. date may commemorate some related anniversary, either of the Atlantis catastrophe itself or an Atlantean arrival in the Nile Valley. Lemesurier suggests as much: “The Pleiades were firmly linked in the Egyptian tradition with the goddess Hathor, the ‘goddess of the Foundation’, and instigator of the primeval ‘deluge’.” Hathor, or Aether, was, after all, the Egyptian version of Alkyone, herself the personification of Atlantis (151).
“The Egyptians observed three solemn days that ended when these stars [the Pleiades] culminated at midnight. These days were associated with a tradition of a deluge or other race-destroying disaster. The rites began on the seventeenth day of Aethyr, which agrees with the Mosaic deluge account, namely, the seventeenth day of the second month of the Jewish year” (154). Both the Egyptian Aethyr and the second month of the Jewish year correspond to our late October/early November. With the year provided by a proper lunar calculation of the date given by Plato in Kritias and Egyptian records of the XX Dynasty, we arrive at a date for the final destruction of Atlantis: November 3, 1198 B.C. (= Halloween/Day of the Dead, etc)
A Japanese tribe, of numerical insignificance, with genetic links to populations directly descended from the Jomon Culture of the ninth millennium B.C. Today, the Ama live around the Saheki Gulf (Ohita prefecture). Their oldest known settlements were at Minami Amabe-gun (Ohita prefecture), Amabe-cho (Tokushima prefecture), Kaishi-cho in Sado (Niigata prefecture) and Itomancho (Okinawa prefecture). These areas coincide with some of the country’s oldest habitation sites. The Ama believe they are direct descendants of foreigners from a high civilization across the sea in the deeply ancient past. The visitors, remembered as the Sobata, preached a solar religion, and its symbol, a rising sun, became the national emblem of Japan. It also signified the direction from which the Sobata (day Saturday: in Polish "Sobota", Russian "суббота"?) came; namely, the eastern Pacific Ocean. Their island kingdom, Nirai-Kanai, was eventually overwhelmed by a great flood and now lays at the bottom of the sea. To commemorate these events, the Ama still conduct an annual ceremony at the eastern shores of Japan, held in early April or October. At dawn, the celebrants gather on the beach to face the dawn and pray for the souls of their ancestors, the Sobata. Following purification with seawater, a designated leader walks into the ocean, up to his neck, bearing a small tree branch in his hand. After a pause, he turns to face the shore. Emerging from the water, he is greeted with the wild beating of drums and joyful chanting, as though he had survived some catastrophe. In The Lost Continent of Mu, James Churchward stated that the sunken civilization of the Pacific was symbolized by the Tree of Life. The word for “timber” in Chinese is mu. In Japanese and Korean, mu signifies that which does not exist, referring perhaps to the vanished Nirai-Kanai signified by the tree branch carried through the water by the Ama celebrant. (See: Mu, Nirai-Kanai, Sobata)
Remembered by the Carib Indians of Venezuela as a deluge hero who escaped some natural catastrophe in “a big canoe” that settled at the top of Mount Tamancu after the flood waters receded. Amaicaca resembles Edgar Cayce’s Amaki and the Colombian Amuraca.
The legendary first king of the Basque is equated with biblical parallels of Tubalcain, a grandson of the flood hero in Genesis, Noah. Amaiur means, “Monarch of Maya,” a kingdom referred to as the Green Isle, swallowed by the Atlantic Ocean. In Greek myth, Maya was one of the seven Pleiades, daughters of the goddess Pleione and the Titan Atlas, and hence, an “Atlantis.” (See: Maia, Pleiades)
As a daughter of Atlas, she was an Atlantis, one of the five Hyades. Her name means “immortality.” (See: Hyades)
A tribal people of Taiwan, whose flood story shares details in common with deluge accounts in other parts of the world. As explained by John Canon MacCullow: “They say at that time [in the remote past] the mountains crumbled down, the Earth gaped, and from the fissure a hot spring gushed forth, which flooded the whole face of the Earth. Few living things survived the inundation.” The Tsuwo version describes birds dropping many thousands of stones into the cataclysm, suggesting a meteor bombardment. The only persons to survive were a brother and sister, whose responsibility it was to repopulate the planet. Their first offspring were living abortions, which became fish and crabs, because the pair committed the sin of incest without asking dispensation from the sun-god. Having angered him, they applied to the moon-goddess. She forgave them, and the woman gave birth to a stone, from which sprang new generations of mankind. In this final detail of the Ami deluge myth is the rebirth of humanity from a stone, the same theme encountered in Greek myth and numerous other flood accounts around the world. (See: Asteroid Theory, Deucalion)
“The Harpoon” or “Harpooner,” a title applied to the Aztec god of the sea, Atlahua. His name is an apparent derivative of Atlas. He was also known as “He Who Divides the Waters” and “Inventor of the Trident,” both of which clearly define Atlantean associations. Plato told how the sea-god Poseidon “divided the waters from the land” (origin of ,the parting of the Red Sea waters' myth) to create Atlantis. Moreover, the trident was Poseidon’s emblem of maritime power. Brundage reports that Atlahua was “venerated in a temple on the legendary island of Aztlan,” Atlantis, obviously enough (93). Remarkably, the ancient Egyptians remembered the Mesentiu, “The Harpooners,” a culture-bearing people who arrived by sea from the Distant West to establish dynastic civilization at the Nile Delta.
In Yoruba and Benin traditions, she was among the few royal survivors of a great flood when the Atlantic Ocean overflowed very long ago. Amma arrived safely on the shores of West Africa, where she became the first ruler.
One of the 10 original Atlantean kings (10 lost tribes?) listed by Plato (in Kritias). His name means “he who encompasses,” or “fitted or joined on both sides,” suggestive of a power center located midway between Western Europe and the Outer Continent of the Americas, such as the Azore Islands, where possible Atlantean remains have been found. Ampheres might be linked to the amphora, or drinking vessel of King Gradlon, king of Ys, in Brittany’s pre-Christian tradition of a sunken island. (See: Azores, Outer Continent)
Term for political confederations of sometimes large kingdoms in classical Greece, derived from “Amphictyon,” son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, the couple who survived the Great Flood. Deucalion was a nephew of Atlas and, therefore, an Atlantean. Amphictyon helped reestablish civilization by reading omens, particularly in dreams. He was also the first post-deluge survivor to mix water and wine, which means he preserved the antediluvian Dionysiac mystery religion in Greece. The amphictyonies reflect not only his name, but the political organization of Atlantean civilization, which was a confederation of kingdoms (as from the assumption supposed to be the European Union, created most of all by Germans just after the war), as described by Plato in Timaeus and Kritias.
In the early 16th century, when they first walked ashore at what is now Colombia, the Spaniards were informed by their Indian hosts that they had appeared in “the Land of A-Mu-Ra-Ca.” Bearing the royal title, “Serpent” = A-Mu-Ra-Ca, they said, was a bearded white man not unlike the Conquistadors themselves. He had long ago arrived after a terrible flood out at sea forced him and his followers to seek refuge. He afterward taught the natives the benefits of agriculture, medicine, and religion, then built the first of several stone cities. A-Mu-Ra-Ca’s resemblance to the “Plumed Serpent,” known by the identical name to the northerly Mayas and Aztecs, means that the same set of Old World culture-bearers arrived throughout the Americas.
It suggests, too, that the name given to the New World did not derive from a contemporary Italian mapmaker, but rather the Atlantean flood hero. The Europeans did not use native names for lands they conquered, because they sought to lend greater legitimacy to their New World holdings by rechristening them with Old World names. Thus, the Atlanto-Colombian “A-Mu-Ra-Ca” was changed to the “America” of Amerigo Vespucci for political reasons. It does indeed seem strange that the New World would have been christened after the first name of the cartographer. Supporting the indigenous provenance of “America,” Columbus himself, on his third voyage to the New World, met Indian natives who introduced themselves as “Americos” (Jimenez and Graeber, 67). The same tribe was identified by Alonso de Ojeda on his second voyage to Hispaniola. Moreover, the “land of perpetual wind,” reference to a mountain range in the province of Chantoles, between Juigalpa and Liberdad, in Nicaragua, was known to the Mayas as “Amerisque,” and so recorded in the sailing logs of Columbus, as well as the writings of Vespucci.
Intriguingly, A-Mu-Ra-Ca appears to mean “Ra’s Serpent from Mu.” Ca (“Serpent”) describes a powerful wise man, most likely a priest-king. The appearance of Ra, the Egyptian sun-god, is hardly less amazing than that of Mu, the Pacific Ocean land said to have perished in a natural catastrophe before the destruction of Atlantis. (See: Mu)
A Japanese tribe, of numerical insignificance, with genetic links to populations directly descended from the Jomon Culture of the ninth millennium B.C. Today, the Ama live around the Saheki Gulf (Ohita prefecture). Their oldest known settlements were at Minami Amabe-gun (Ohita prefecture), Amabe-cho (Tokushima prefecture), Kaishi-cho in Sado (Niigata prefecture) and Itomancho (Okinawa prefecture). These areas coincide with some of the country’s oldest habitation sites. The Ama believe they are direct descendants of foreigners from a high civilization across the sea in the deeply ancient past. The visitors, remembered as the Sobata, preached a solar religion, and its symbol, a rising sun, became the national emblem of Japan. It also signified the direction from which the Sobata (day Saturday: in Polish "Sobota", Russian "суббота"?) came; namely, the eastern Pacific Ocean. Their island kingdom, Nirai-Kanai, was eventually overwhelmed by a great flood and now lays at the bottom of the sea. To commemorate these events, the Ama still conduct an annual ceremony at the eastern shores of Japan, held in early April or October. At dawn, the celebrants gather on the beach to face the dawn and pray for the souls of their ancestors, the Sobata. Following purification with seawater, a designated leader walks into the ocean, up to his neck, bearing a small tree branch in his hand. After a pause, he turns to face the shore. Emerging from the water, he is greeted with the wild beating of drums and joyful chanting, as though he had survived some catastrophe. In The Lost Continent of Mu, James Churchward stated that the sunken civilization of the Pacific was symbolized by the Tree of Life. The word for “timber” in Chinese is mu. In Japanese and Korean, mu signifies that which does not exist, referring perhaps to the vanished Nirai-Kanai signified by the tree branch carried through the water by the Ama celebrant. (See: Mu, Nirai-Kanai, Sobata)
Remembered by the Carib Indians of Venezuela as a deluge hero who escaped some natural catastrophe in “a big canoe” that settled at the top of Mount Tamancu after the flood waters receded. Amaicaca resembles Edgar Cayce’s Amaki and the Colombian Amuraca.
The legendary first king of the Basque is equated with biblical parallels of Tubalcain, a grandson of the flood hero in Genesis, Noah. Amaiur means, “Monarch of Maya,” a kingdom referred to as the Green Isle, swallowed by the Atlantic Ocean. In Greek myth, Maya was one of the seven Pleiades, daughters of the goddess Pleione and the Titan Atlas, and hence, an “Atlantis.” (See: Maia, Pleiades)
As a daughter of Atlas, she was an Atlantis, one of the five Hyades. Her name means “immortality.” (See: Hyades)
A tribal people of Taiwan, whose flood story shares details in common with deluge accounts in other parts of the world. As explained by John Canon MacCullow: “They say at that time [in the remote past] the mountains crumbled down, the Earth gaped, and from the fissure a hot spring gushed forth, which flooded the whole face of the Earth. Few living things survived the inundation.” The Tsuwo version describes birds dropping many thousands of stones into the cataclysm, suggesting a meteor bombardment. The only persons to survive were a brother and sister, whose responsibility it was to repopulate the planet. Their first offspring were living abortions, which became fish and crabs, because the pair committed the sin of incest without asking dispensation from the sun-god. Having angered him, they applied to the moon-goddess. She forgave them, and the woman gave birth to a stone, from which sprang new generations of mankind. In this final detail of the Ami deluge myth is the rebirth of humanity from a stone, the same theme encountered in Greek myth and numerous other flood accounts around the world. (See: Asteroid Theory, Deucalion)
“The Harpoon” or “Harpooner,” a title applied to the Aztec god of the sea, Atlahua. His name is an apparent derivative of Atlas. He was also known as “He Who Divides the Waters” and “Inventor of the Trident,” both of which clearly define Atlantean associations. Plato told how the sea-god Poseidon “divided the waters from the land” (origin of ,the parting of the Red Sea waters' myth) to create Atlantis. Moreover, the trident was Poseidon’s emblem of maritime power. Brundage reports that Atlahua was “venerated in a temple on the legendary island of Aztlan,” Atlantis, obviously enough (93). Remarkably, the ancient Egyptians remembered the Mesentiu, “The Harpooners,” a culture-bearing people who arrived by sea from the Distant West to establish dynastic civilization at the Nile Delta.
In Yoruba and Benin traditions, she was among the few royal survivors of a great flood when the Atlantic Ocean overflowed very long ago. Amma arrived safely on the shores of West Africa, where she became the first ruler.
One of the 10 original Atlantean kings (10 lost tribes?) listed by Plato (in Kritias). His name means “he who encompasses,” or “fitted or joined on both sides,” suggestive of a power center located midway between Western Europe and the Outer Continent of the Americas, such as the Azore Islands, where possible Atlantean remains have been found. Ampheres might be linked to the amphora, or drinking vessel of King Gradlon, king of Ys, in Brittany’s pre-Christian tradition of a sunken island. (See: Azores, Outer Continent)
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European Parliament in Strasbourg |
Term for political confederations of sometimes large kingdoms in classical Greece, derived from “Amphictyon,” son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, the couple who survived the Great Flood. Deucalion was a nephew of Atlas and, therefore, an Atlantean. Amphictyon helped reestablish civilization by reading omens, particularly in dreams. He was also the first post-deluge survivor to mix water and wine, which means he preserved the antediluvian Dionysiac mystery religion in Greece. The amphictyonies reflect not only his name, but the political organization of Atlantean civilization, which was a confederation of kingdoms (as from the assumption supposed to be the European Union, created most of all by Germans just after the war), as described by Plato in Timaeus and Kritias.
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The Venus Project |
In the early 16th century, when they first walked ashore at what is now Colombia, the Spaniards were informed by their Indian hosts that they had appeared in “the Land of A-Mu-Ra-Ca.” Bearing the royal title, “Serpent” = A-Mu-Ra-Ca, they said, was a bearded white man not unlike the Conquistadors themselves. He had long ago arrived after a terrible flood out at sea forced him and his followers to seek refuge. He afterward taught the natives the benefits of agriculture, medicine, and religion, then built the first of several stone cities. A-Mu-Ra-Ca’s resemblance to the “Plumed Serpent,” known by the identical name to the northerly Mayas and Aztecs, means that the same set of Old World culture-bearers arrived throughout the Americas.
It suggests, too, that the name given to the New World did not derive from a contemporary Italian mapmaker, but rather the Atlantean flood hero. The Europeans did not use native names for lands they conquered, because they sought to lend greater legitimacy to their New World holdings by rechristening them with Old World names. Thus, the Atlanto-Colombian “A-Mu-Ra-Ca” was changed to the “America” of Amerigo Vespucci for political reasons. It does indeed seem strange that the New World would have been christened after the first name of the cartographer. Supporting the indigenous provenance of “America,” Columbus himself, on his third voyage to the New World, met Indian natives who introduced themselves as “Americos” (Jimenez and Graeber, 67). The same tribe was identified by Alonso de Ojeda on his second voyage to Hispaniola. Moreover, the “land of perpetual wind,” reference to a mountain range in the province of Chantoles, between Juigalpa and Liberdad, in Nicaragua, was known to the Mayas as “Amerisque,” and so recorded in the sailing logs of Columbus, as well as the writings of Vespucci.
Intriguingly, A-Mu-Ra-Ca appears to mean “Ra’s Serpent from Mu.” Ca (“Serpent”) describes a powerful wise man, most likely a priest-king. The appearance of Ra, the Egyptian sun-god, is hardly less amazing than that of Mu, the Pacific Ocean land said to have perished in a natural catastrophe before the destruction of Atlantis. (See: Mu)
In Colombian native traditions, the great oceanic kingdom destroyed by a natural catastrophe from which the culture hero, A-Mu-Ra-Ca, led his followers to South America. In Akkadian, the language of Sumer’s Semitic conquerors at the close of the third millennium B.C., A-Mu-ru means “Western Lands.” The name, in both Colombian Muysica and Akkadian, refers to the lost Pacific Ocean civilization of Mu. (See: Mu)
In Sumerian tradition (circa 3500 to 2500 B.C.), a capital city on the island of Atu, which was overwhelmed by a cataclysmic deluge.
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Bimini Wall/Road (Bahamas)... that emerges from the ocean exactly on the other side, on Malta! |
Andros Platform
Andros is the largest of the Bahama Islands, south of Bimini, where an underwater feature discovered in 1969 has been associated with Atlantean civilization ever since. Floridians Dr. Gregory Little and his wife, Lora, found a sunken site in Nicolls Town Bay, near the extreme northeast end of Andros 34 years later. They learned of its general position from a former dive operator, Dino Keller, who claimed to have navigated his boat inside a coral reef usually approached on the outside. There, in 1992, Keller observed a large structure similar to the so-called “Bimini Wall,” under some 10 feet of water.
Following Keller’s directions, in March, 2003, Dr. Little snorkeled about 600 yards from shore to find a 1,375-foot long, 150-foot wide arrangement of cyclopean blocks in three well-ordered sloping tiers interspersed by two bands of smaller stones. Although standing 15 feet beneath the surface, its top section is 10 feet deep, as described by Keller. The large stones comprising the tiers average 25 × 30 feet, and 2 feet thick. Each of the three tiers is 50 feet wide. Some suggestion of a ramp was discerned leading from the floor of the harbor lagoon to the top of the platform. The feature’s regular appearance and almost uniformly square-cut blocks, given its location at a natural harbor in the North Atlantic Current, suggest it may have been a quay, breakwater, or port facility of some kind. Underscoring this characterization, together with the ramp, are a number of 5-inch wide and deep rectangles resembling post-holes cut into some of the cyclopean stones just below the uppermost tier. These holes may have held mooring pylons used to tie up docked ships. Most if not all of the blocks themselves appear to have been quarried from local beach rock and deliberately set in place, a marine construction practice common in the ancient Old World.
Dr. Little believes the formation could only have been built 10,000 years ago, when sea levels were low enough for its creation. But archaeologists are certain that nothing of the kind existed in the post glacial epoch. Sea levels would have dropped sufficiently, however, between 1600 and 1500 B.C., during the middle to late Bronze Age—a far more likely period for construction, if only because similar harbor works were already in use throughout the eastern Mediterranean by that time. Moreover, Lake Superior copper mining was simultaneously nearing the zenith of its output. A port located off the North American coast, situated in the heart of the North Atlantic Current, would have been a valuable asset for freighters carrying cargos of mined copper back to their headquarters in Atlantis. An Atlantean connection is, after all, suggested in the Andros platform’s six alternating bands of stone: 6 was the sacred numeral of Atlantis, whose cityplanners incorporated the holy number in the capital’s alternating stone walls, according to Plato’s description of the sunken civilization. (See: Bimini Road, Kritias)
End of Part 1
End of Part 1
Continued soon
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