"The Atlantis: Isle of Flames" ~ Frank Joseph. Part 1

We learn that the Egyptians told of “the Isle of Flame” in the Far Western Ocean from which their forefathers arrived after a terrible natural disaster. Meanwhile, in North America, the Apache Indians still preserve memories of their ancestral origins from the sunken “Isle of Flames” in the distant seas of the East. There is the Norse Lifthraser and Lif, husband and wife refugees of the Great Flood, just as the ancient Mexicans remembered Nata and Nena, the pair who escaped a world deluge. Balor leads his people to safety in pre-Celtic Ireland, while Manibozho survives to become the founder of all North American Indian tribes. Underpinning them all is the story of Atlantis, as given to the world 24 centuries ago by the greatest thinker of classical Greece. Plato’s Atlantis still lives in the folkish memories of virtually every people on Earth. Although fundamentally similar to all the rest, each version presents its own details, contributing to an overall panorama of the Atlantean...