
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2013

"Z gwiezdnego pyłu powstałeś Człowiecze.. * From the Stardust You're Created, Dude! - Part IV

Poprzednie części (linki) znajdziecie na samym dole postu! * Previous parts (links) can be found at the bottom of the post! "Ogień i Woda (Ciepło / Życie i Mróz / Śmierć) Fire and Water ( Warmth / Life and Frost / Death)" Our Sun and little Earth (Słoneczko i Ziemia) Oto jest pytanie (That is the question!) : "Jak COŚ tak dużego, nie może zasilić CZEGOŚ tak małego?" "De la Campiña Cordobesa", Andalucía, España, (Andaluzja, Hiszpania, "Wstające Słoneczko") by Juan Antonio Bafalliu Catalá Dopóki rodzaj ludzki nie ujarzmi gwiazd (naturalnego-kosmicznego źródła czystej energii) nie ma prawa twierdzić, że jest "cywilizowany" czy "wysoko rozwinięty". W istocie dopiero raczkuje ... As long as mankind doesn't subdues the stars ( natural - cosmic sources of clean energy) has no right to claim that is "civilized" and "highly developed". In fact, still is in its inf...

"Rosarium Philosophorum" czyli "Różaniec Filozofów". Część III

"The Sky" - Sergio Cerchi   © Part (Część) I < HERE ( TUTAJ ) Part (Część) II <   HERE ( TUTAJ ) Senior in his Epistle of Sol and Luna: But the water which I have spoken of is a thing descending from heaven and the earth with his moisture receives it, and the water of heaven is retained and kept with the water of the earth, and the water of the earth by reason of its bondage honoureth him, and water is gathered together in water, and water retaineth water, and Albira is whitened with Astuna. Hermes: The spirit enters not into bodies, unless the bodies be clean. Alphidius: Take the whiteness and let the blackness alone. Democritus: Mundify Tin with the choicest washing, and extract his blackness out of it, and also his darkness, and then his brightness will appear. Sorin: Dissolve it with white fire until it seem like a naked sword and by whitening make the body to be white. Rasis: Water when it is mingled with Copper doth whiten it inwar...