"Anima Mundi: Soul-Filled World" ~ Iona Miller
“Absolut redeems humanity, but Nature needs to be redeemed by human alchemists, who are able to induce the process of transformation, which alone is capable of liberating the light imprisoned in physical creation.” ~ Stephan Hoeller (Sufi Journal, Issue 67, Autumn 2005) "Let us imagine the Anima Mundi neither above the world encircling it as a divine and remote emanation of spirit, a world of powers, archetypes, and principles transcendent to things, nor within the material world as its unifying panpsychic life-principle. Rather let us imagine the Anima Mundi as that particular soul-spark, the seminal image, which offers itself through each thing in its visible form. Then Anima Mundi indicates the animated possibilities presented by each event, as it is, its sensuous presentation as face bespeaking its interior image -- in short, its availability to imagination, its presence as a psychic reality. Not only animals and plants ensouled as in the Romantic vision...