"Z gwiezdnego pyłu powstałeś Człowiecze.. * From the Stardust You're Created, Dude! - Part IX

Stellar map: From Giza to... If We Are Lucky! (maybe this time...) Today I would like to share with you a few images/photos about our nearest neighbourhood in Solar System: Moon (most of all) + other objects/info . Too re-think few things... for the curious observants. Moon (seen) in 1959 It always puzzled me: Why does the Moon wears (allegedly) traces of collisions with meteorites only from the ... Earth's side? Zawsze mnie zastanawiało: Dlaczego Księżyc nosi (rzekomo) ślady zderzeń z meteorytami tylko od strony ... Ziemi? Crater Copernicus, 1972 Chinese Yutu rover on Moon The Yutu rover leaves the Chang'e-3 lunar lander in December 2013. Credit: Chinese Academy of Sciences Portion of 1st panorama around Chang'e-3 landing site after China's Yutu rover drove onto the Moon's surface on Dec. 15, 2013. ( And it's still working* ) Lunar Colony ( ~circa 2010, illustrated in 1974’s The Next 50 Years on the Moon by Er...