"Gnosis: Sacred Teaching of All Ages" ~ Charles William Heckethorn (few selected fragments)

The Magi Magus is derived from Maja*, the mirror wherein Brahm, according to Indian (hindu) mythology, from all eternity beholds himself and all his power and wonders. Hence also our terms magia, magic, image, imaginations, all implying the fixing in a form, figure, or creature - these words being synonymous - of the potencies of the primeval, structureless, living matter. The Magnus, therefore, is one that makes the operations of the Eternal Life his study. * Word magus from mahat (,great'), but according to hindu mythology, mahatit and pirkirti are brought forth by jotna (,power'), the offspring of Maja, so that the latter truly is the etymon of "Magnus". The Magi, as the ancient priests of Persia were called, did not constitute a doctrine or religion only; they constituted a monarchy - their power truly was that of kings. And this fact is still commemorated by the circumstance that the Magi recorded to have been led by the star to the cradle Sun...