"Dziedzictwo Hermesa w antropologii" - Marcin Brocki. Część I
"La Liberte ou la Mort" by Jean-Baptiste Regnault Tekst ten pochodzi z Zeszytów Etnologii Wrocławskiej Nr1 (2)/2000 rozdawano je darmowo na moich studiach, więc dzielę się tym tekstem z Wami, bo sądzę, że wart jest przypomnienia. Jego autorem - ówczesny (nie wiem jak dzisiaj) - adiunkt Etnologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Marcin Brocki Hermes heritage in anthropology According to Umberto Eco juxtaposition of some contemporary theories of interpretation and hermetism, presented paper examines striking similarities between the later and anthropological strategies of interpretation. These similarities are deeply rooted in the same sign structure of hermetism and partly of anthropology, the concept of meaning and infinite (mis)interpretation. Implanting the heritage of hermetism into anthropology is to resign basic anthropological ideas of distance, curiosity and understanding, in other words, it is to resign anthropology. translated by Marcin Brocki ...